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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Wilder Years by Wendy McClure. Reviewed by Lisa H

    Those of you who love Little House on the Praire, either the books or the T.V. shows, will definately need to read this book.  The author of this story is quite possibly the biggest fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder, and the book revolves around her attempts to actually be Laura Ingalls Wilder. The book is the authors true life adventure to visit Lauras log cabins and farms.  As the author traces the Ingalls travels from one state to another, she discovers many things, including the fact that the Little House books may actually be fiction.  The author also attempts to churn butter, make bread and remember the "vanity cakes" that Laura had on her birthday? She makes those too! Reading The Wilder Years took me back to my own childhood and I love remembering those books.  She makes wonderful references to the Little House books that just make me smile.  While her visits to the different places that Laura lived didn't all turn out the sunny way she imagined, the way she describes the details, makes it seem like she enjoyed herself anyway.  The author has a wonderful sense of humor and I think you needed it if you were going to live like Laura Ingalls.