Shadow of a Quarter Moon is a historical fiction novel set in North Carolina in the 1830's. It revolves around the life of a plantation owners daughter named Jacy. Jacy leads a privleged life until her father dies unexpectly and leaves her alone with her mother. Jacy is expected, by her mother, to marry a man she does not love. Many secrets come out about Jacys life in the course of feuding with her mother. Her whole identity is gone. She decides to take matters into her own hands and run away. While her journey to the north is very difficult, along the way she finds herself. The individuals she meets on her journey are amazing and heartbreaking. The risks that are taken and trust that is never broken makes this a wonderful read.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
The Very Thought of You by Rosie Alison reviewed by Lisa H
This fictional novel is set in England during World War II. It revolves around a little girl who is forced to evacuate her home and travel to an unknown destination for safety by herself. She arrives by train at Ashton Park with about 80 other children. At first, I was afraid to read anymore of this book, fearing some horrible abuse or torture. I was pleasantly surprised to find beautiful love stories entertwined with the pains of war. It is a well written and lovely story. While not everything turns out the way you hope, it keeps you turning the pages quickly.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Kindred by Octavia E. Butler reviewed by Lisa H
Kindred is a historical/science fictional novel set in 1976. Its main character is an african american woman named Dana, who is married to a white man. Dana, however, develops the gift of time traveling. There is a major problem with this gift, as she travels back in time to her ancestors slave plantation. She is "summoned" to the plantation whenever the owner is in danger and can not return to the present unless she is in danger herself. The lessons that Dana learns and the ancestors that she meets are priceless. You can only imagine going back in time to a place where you were treated like property and trying to fit in and follow the rules. The novel is wonderfully written and keeps you interested and hoping for the best.
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